Contact us

Phone:Landline: 0115 849 8919

Our landline will automatically divert to our mobile phones when the office is unmanned.

Fax: 0115 849 8919


Monday to Friday 10.00am to 4.30pm
Saturday 10am to 12.30pm

10 Moorbridge Lane

As we are a workshop, not a retail outlet, please phone or email us first to arrange a time if you wish to visit us or drop in equipment for repair, as we may have been called out, leaving the office unmanned.

If visiting us, please could we ask that you respect our neighbours’ access, and park either on our driveway, or just over the road from us on the grass-crete parking area.


ads computers is the trading name of alistair sabin t/a ads computers
Complaints Statement: Where we are unable to resolve your complaint using our own
complaints procedure, as a Which? Trusted trader we use Ombudsman Services Ltd for
dispute resolution. In the unlikely event that we cannot remedy your complaint to your
satisfaction you may wish to refer your complaint to them. If you wish to do so please
contact Which? Trusted traders in the first instance on 0117 456 6031.
Guarantees/warranties are not insurance backed.